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Announcement: SES Essay Prizes

The SES has announced two essay prizes, one for undergraduates and one for Secondary School pupils. The prizes will be judged by a prestigious panel including Baroness Ruth Davidson and Professor Sir John Curtice. Winners of each will be awarded a £50 book voucher and a certificate and invited to publish their essay on the SES blog.

The deadline for schools is the 29th of May 2023. The revised deadline for undergraduates is the 12th of June. We realise this is a short turnaround time but we ensivion submissions being reworked versions of work previously done this academic year.

Please send submissions to

Secondary Schools Prize

Any essay discussing Scottish politics. This includes voting, elections and referendums, political parties or democratic reform.

1,500 words maximum

Undergraduate Prize

Any essay analysing voting in Scotland, the UK as a whole or its other nations and territories. This includes Westminster, devolved or local elections or referendums. The essay must make use of data derived from the Scottish Election Study, the Welsh Election Study, the Northern Ireland Assembly Election Study, the British Election Study, the Scottish Social Attitudes Survey or a similar source of information about public opinion.

3,000 words maximum