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17th May – “Race and ethnicity in politics: Is Scotland different?”, second SES annual lecture delivered by Prof. Maria Sobolewska

10th May – Book launch – The Referendum That Changed a Nation, in-person event


11th May – “How Radical is Scotland?“, inaugural SES annual lecture delivered by Prof. James Mitchell, in person event

10th May – “Some State: Evidence from the 2021 Scottish Election Study”, remote event, Stevenson Trust for Citizenship (Ailsa, Rob, Jac, Fraser, Chris C.)


9th June – How Scotland and Wales Voted: SES & WES 2021, Wales Governance Centre at Cardiff University (Ailsa, Rob, Fraser, Jac)
Slides from this event available here

20th May – Elections in a time of crisis workshop, University of Surrey (Rob alongside other panellists)

18th May – “National Identities and British Politics”, The UK in a Changing Europe (Ailsa alongside Sunder Katwala, John Denham, Mike Kenny, Paula Surridge)

4th May – “Keep the Heid: The 2021 Holyrood Election Special”, Stevenson Trust for Citizenship (Chris C., Rob and Fraser alongside Meryl Kenny and Kez Dugdale)
Recording available here (passcode: Stevenson@5May)

29th April – “Isolation Insight: The Scottish Parliament Election”, The UK in a Changing Europe (Ailsa alongside Paula Surridge, Nicola McEwen, John Curtice, Kenny Farquharson)

28th April – Welsh and Scottish elections student panel, Cardiff University (Jac and Fraser alongside Rachel Statham, Rachel Minto and Nye Davis)