Reports and Presentations
“Understanding the Scottish Conservative Voter: Evidence from the Scottish Election Study” – Presented at Scottish Conservative Annual Conference in Aberdeen, March 2024
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“Understanding the Scottish Labour Voter: Evidence from the Scottish Election Study” – Presented at Scottish Labour Annual Conference in Glasgow, February 2024
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“Understanding the SNP Voter: Evidence from the Scottish Election Study” – Presented at SNP Annual Conference in Aberdeen, October 2023
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“The 2021 Scottish Parliament Election” – SES Election Report
Academic Publications
James Griffiths, Richard Wyn Jones, Ed Gareth Poole, Jac Larner, Ailsa Henderson, Fraser McMillan (2023) “Diverging electoral fortunes in Scotland and Wales: national identities, national interests, and voting behavior“, Regional & Federal Studies
Fraser McMillan and Ailsa Henderson (2023) “Monarchy and Scottish Independence”, UK in a Changing Europe: The British Monarchy: 47-50
Ailsa Henderson, Jac Larner, Rob Johns and Chris Carman (2022) The Referendum that Changed a Nation: Scottish Voting Behaviour 2014-2019
Ailsa Henderson, Jac Larner, Fraser McMillan, Chris Carman, Chris Hanretty and Rob Johns (2022) The 2021 Scottish Parliament Election
Fraser McMillan and Rob Johns (2021) “Nats Wha Hae”, Progressive Review 28 (2): 153-163
Fraser McMillan and Ailsa Henderson (2021) “Scotland’s Future? The 2021 Holyrood Election”, Political Insight
Rob Johns (2021) “As You Were: The Scottish Parliament Election of 2021”, The Political Quarterly
Ailsa Henderson, Rob Johns, Jac Larner, Chris Carman (2020) “Scottish Labour as a case study in party failure: Evidence from the 2019 UK General Election in Scotland”, Scottish Affairs 29 (2): 127-140
James Mitchell and Ailsa Henderson (2020) “Tribes and Turbulence: The 2019 UK General Election in Scotland”, Parliamentary Affairs 73 (1): 142–156
Ailsa Henderson, Rob Johns, Christopher Carman and James Mitchell (2020) “Political Behaviour” in Michael Keating, Ed, Oxford Handbook of Scottish Politics. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 220-236
James Mitchell and Ailsa Henderson (2020) “Elections and Electoral Systems” in Michael Keating, Ed, Oxford Handbook of Scottish Politics. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 203-219
Rob Johns, Ailsa Henderson, Christopher Carman, Jac Larner (2020) “Brexit or Independence? Scotland’s General Election”, Political Insight
Ailsa Henderson (2019) “Attitudes to Constitutional Change” in Gerry Hassan, Ed, The Story of the Scottish Parliament: the first two decades explained. Edinburgh: University of Edinburgh Press, 45-51
Ailsa Henderson and James Mitchell (2018) “Referendums as Critical Junctures? Scottish Voting in British Elections” Parliamentary Affairs 71 (1): 109-24 [also appearing as Ailsa Henderson and James Mitchell (2018) “Referendums as Critical Junctures? Scottish Voting in British Elections” in Jonathan Tonge, Cristina Leston-Bandeira and Stuart Wilks-Heeg, Eds, Britain Votes 2017. Oxford: Oxford University Press]
Ailsa Henderson, Christopher Carman, Rob Johns and James Mitchell (2018) “Migration, Engagement and Constitutional Preferences: Evidence from the 2014 Scottish independence referendum” in Tom Devine and Angela McCarthy, Eds, New Scots: Scotland’s Immigrant Communities since 1945. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press
Ailsa Henderson, Rob Johns, Chris Carman and James Mitchell (2018) “A 2nd order Westminster election? The impact of referendums and identification on vote switching in Scotland” PSA Annual conference, Cardiff, March
Ailsa Henderson, Rob Johns, Chris Carman and James Mitchell (2017) “Voter consistency across democratic contests: Referendum preferences and vote choice in Scotland, 2011-2016” PSA Annual conference, Glasgow, April
Rob Johns and James Mitchell (2016) Takeover: Explaining the Extraordinary Rise of the SNP Biteback Publishing
Ailsa Henderson (2016) “Scotland” in Daniel Turp and Marc Sanjaume-Calvet, Eds, The Emergence of a Democratic Right to Self Determination in Europe. Brussels: Centre Maurits Coppieters, 182-91
Ailsa Henderson (2016) “Différenciation institutionnelle : la perception de la différence et les multiples communautés politiques à l’intérieur de l’État” in Jean François Caron, Ed, Les Conditions de L’Unité Politique et de la Sécession dans les Sociétés Multinationales. Québec: Presses de l’Université Laval, 41-60
Ailsa Henderson, Chris Carman, Rob Johns and James Mitchell. “Identity, valence issues and constitutional preference: the 2016 Scottish Parliament Elections”, Public Opinion and Parties PSA Specialist Group, Annual Conference, Kent. 10 September 2016
Ailsa Henderson. “Do we ever get what we actually vote for?“- Scottish Politics Explained, Holyrood Magazine, Edinburgh.6 September 2016
Ailsa Henderson. “Is Polling Good for Democracy?” Festival of Politics roundtable, Edinburgh. 20 August 2016
Ailsa Henderson. “Immigrants to Scotland: 1945 to the Present in Glasgow”, Mitchell Library, Glasgow. 16 June 2016
Ailsa Henderson. “Things flying apart? Analysing the results of the devolved elections“, London. 25 May 2016Ailsa Henderson and James Mitchell. “Tax, the constitution and past performance: what influenced voters in the 2016 Scottish Parliament elections” What Just Happened? The results of the 2016 Scottish Parliament and Welsh Assembly Elections, Edinburgh. 13 May 2016